Friday, March 15, 2013

Field of Fire

**** (4 stars out of 5)
In which Ezri Dax uses Trill mesmerism to have crazy conversations with her invisible friend, that murderer who lives inside her brain, Joran.

Who could be killing people at all hours with a ceremonial kill-a-ma-jig? By which I mean a primitive projectile rifle upgraded with (A) an exo-graphic targeting scanner to see through walls and (2) a micro-transporter in the barrel to beam the bullet right where you're looking.

Granted, I'm not a shell-shocked space soldier with homicidal rage and access to deadly toys that sate my lust for blood, but I can think of a lot of ways to have more fun with X-Ray Goggles. Well, one.

Speaking of perversion, I just have to ask: why does Dax (or any Trill for that matter) need this Rite of Emergence? I mean, talking to yourself is exciting and all, but these are HER memories. Aren't they just as good when taken internally?

But we'd wrap much quicker if Ezri just looked up and to the left (J.D. style) in silent contemplation for thirty seconds and declare 'I know who the killer is! Also, wasn't William Peterson amazing in 'Manhunter'?'

"Field of Fire" is the final contribution Robert Hewitt Wolfe wrote for Star Trek. 38 scripts from 'A Fistful of Datas' onward, and great work throughout. I thought this was thrilling and innovative when I first saw it, and I still really dig it.

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