Friday, April 8, 2022

Light and Shadows

 **(one light and one shadows out of 5)

Pike and Mike recovered Spock's shuttle with Georgiou inside, so when Mike recaps this for Pike as "we know the shuttle that he stole disappeared somewhere in the Mutara Sector" it doesn't really track. My headcanon also probably doesn't work, but it will have to wait. 

Pike and company do forensics on the Red Angel's time travel antics, having Saru's visual evidence now that it's a person in a suit. There's a Time Hole spewing time back into the universe, so be alert for Groundhog Day radiation.

Commander Burnham uses a shuttle with Star Wars or even Dune speed capabilities to make the Kaminar to Vulcan trip during a commercial break, simultaneous with Ash and Pike's 5 minute trip to the time hole.

Sarek's deep in meditation to find Spock in the Force, but Amanda has been hiding him in their standard Kir'Shara basement cave while he has a standard severe mental breakdown. You've heard his voice, now enjoy his beard.

When Sarek learns of this, he continues his bizarre track record of emotionalism and logic leaps by declaring Section 31 is their best bet to heal his unresponsive and raving son! Their Noggin Technicians wear clear plastic raincoats in dark metal rooms and defer to the unseen "Control", so that's clearly legit.

Forced by questionable circumstances to work together, Pike and Ash fight a Matrix Squiddy from the 27th century before Stamets the Tardigrade Time Powers guy saves their bacon. In case the grabby Doc Ock arms were getting a little too Marvel, Lt. Com. Airiam is secretly compromised by literally the three dot sigil of DC's Brainiac. (Oh, shows what I know- that's the mathematical symbol for "Because"!)

Georgiou seizes command of Section 31's Leland with blackmail- she knows Leland had Michael's parents killed.

Michael, knowing of her brother's form of dyslexia, discerns Spock's repeated numerical sequence is backward coordinates for planet Talos IV. Road Trip!

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